Learning Log 12 (27/09/2016)

     This week, I've learnt about added game to my CALL. I could do it by click interactions and then learning interactions.Next, I learnt how to add audio in my CALL. I also learnt how to show photo when we point mouse around the words or sentences.Moreover,, I learnt how to show words or sentences when we point mouse around the photos.Finally, I learnt how to play music when we point mouse around words, sentences, or photos.

Learning Log 9 (06/09/2559)

       This week, I've learnt about the computer Assisted Language Learning  (CALL)and English Language Teaching  that consisted of Behavioristic CALL,Communicative CALL and Intergrative CALL Next, I learnt about the advantages and disadvantages of CALL. Finally, teacher taught me about how to use Adove Captivate 8 and because I must use this program to build my CALL.

Leaning Log 8 (23/08/2559)

This week, I learnt outside the classroom that My friends, teachers and me. We made activity  at Watmai school   Tungyai district. We did many activity for children such as played games , sang songs. The songs that we used in activity such as head shoulders knees and toes , elephant why are you so big? and If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands song all of song are enjoy.
 I was happy and enjoy in this day because we saw children were happy in their activities. The most important  is the good reception of the Watmai school and very tasty food.

Learning Log 7(16/08/2559)

This week, I've learnt about false friend. It is words in two languages .That look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. An example is in English "smart" means ฉลาด(clever), but in Thai "smart" means เท่ (handsome) Moreover, I learnt about Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching

Leaning Logุ 6 (09/08/2559)

This week, I've learnt about how to use antconc. I searched some words in my antconc and it showed me concordances. I could learn both left and right side from the word I searched. Then, I learnt about the frequency of words. I knew how many time they use that word in my corpus. I realized that kinds of word that they usually used in my corpus that are preposition, article, and noun. Moreover, teacher taught me to use English-Thai parallel corpora online from the link  http://www.arts.chula.ac.th/~ling/ParaConc/. For example, the word "friend" in Thai means เพื่อน, มิตร, สหาย and เกลอ or another “Teacher” in Thailand means ครู,ผู้สอน,ครูบาอาจารย์  . There are different meaning according to nearness
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